What Is Fashion To DaisyCode?

Seeking the Timeless And Eternal

At DaisyCode fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Individually, style tells the story of how we want to be seen in the world - our ideals and goals, it can also be a powerful tool of self-actualization - a manifestation of how we choose to feel about ourselves.

As a whole, fashion is a reactive conversation about culture - a mirror of the times in which we live. In understanding culture, our everyday lives will be enriched by understanding how we, and the world, are changing.



We Love Exploring Emerging Designers and Local Brands

Fashion does not mean trying to take on airs of someone else, rather it's about who you are evolving in to in this changing world, what steps did we take to get here, what is the next evolution for humanity?




Hosting art events and contrasting ideologies come unpredictable products of cultural intersections. Fashion is an open invitation for voices and contributors with unique views on the present moment.


Prada FW19

Hosting art events and contrasting ideologies come unpredictable products of cultural intersections. Fashion is an open invitation for voices and contributors with unique views on the present moment.


Ugly and Beauty


We Love what will be forever

The Question Of How We Define Beauty Haunted Me.
What’s Your Beauty Standard ?
To Be Yourself Or Someone Else ?
— Daisy H