DaisyCode works with brands to create desire, build community and stimulate dialogue at every essential interaction point between product and consumer.
Art Direction • Collaboration
Licensing Work, Art Direction in Graphic Design and Web Design.
Authorizing Likuang Image&Creative Limited to sell DaisyCode Products , If you have wholesale request or ideas of collocation with DaisyCode Products, Please contact Likuang for more details.
We do not offer merchandise retailing.
Art Direction
Made By Daisy
Ye Shall Be As God, Knowing Good And Evil.
We specialize in Still Life, Portraits and Editorial

Art blog
Made By Daisy
Ye Shall Be As God, Knowing Good And Evil.
Custom-Tailored Visual Equity
Our in-house photo studio allows us to work with passionate, forward thinking companies, startups, and brands to transform content into valuable visual equity for digital and print. Photoshoot and Video shoot concepts, creative and production are custom-tailored to each brand's needs.
Art blog
Made By Daisy
Ye Shall Be As God, Knowing Good And Evil.
Our Time on Earth is Short. Spend Your Energy on What Matters Most! Take the Beautiful Convenience of Fresh, Clean and Hydrated Hands Wherever You Go.