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Vivian Maier Photography Exhibition

Well, I suppose nothing is meant to last forever. We have to make room for other people. It’s a wheel. You get on, you have to go to the end. And then somebody has the same opportunity to go to the end and so on.
— Vivian Maier

A nanny by trade, Vivian Maier’s street and travel photography was discovered by John Maloof in 2007 at a local auction house in Chicago. Always with a Roleiflex around her neck, she managed to amass more than 2,000 rolls of films, 3,000 prints and more than 100,000 negative which were shared with virtually no one in her lifetime. Her black and white photographs-mostly from the 50s and 60s-are indelible images of the architecture and street life of Chicago and New York. 

Vivian Maier 不只是一名保母,更是美國 20 世紀最具影像力的街拍攝影先驅!「V.M. 薇薇安・邁爾攝影展」至今累積 100 場展覽,遍及全球知名 24 個國家、60 多個城市,此次由「異角藝術」策劃引入台灣,成為繼韓國首爾、中國北京後亞洲巡迴的第三站。

胸前總是掛著祿萊雙眼相機的 Vivian Maier 薇薇安・邁爾,她的作品分為「Street Photographer」及「Self-Portraits」,第一眼看似安靜卻充滿穿透力;此次「V.M. 薇薇安・邁爾攝影展」主要展出「Street Photographer」,透過這些一張張影像足以窺視美國 50 到 70 年代,富裕社會貧窮暗角的離奇之處、生活不協調性,同時亦展現生活中愉悅和溫暖的時刻。

展期|05.02(六)- 06.28(日)
地點|松山文創園區 5 號倉庫(台北市光復南路 133 號)

Earlier Event: April 1
Cindy Sherman Retrospective